Wisconsin River 3rd Solo Male FKP Details

Wisconsin River 3rd Solo Male Fastest Known Paddle: 6D, 3H, 17M

Dr. Joe Spennetta, age 52, of Middleton, Wisconsin

June 26 - July 2nd, 2023.

424 Miles (approx.)


Start: Lac Vieux Desert, 4:54am, June 26th, 2023. We recommend future FKP attempts start above the dam where the river meets the lake (and portage around the dam shortly after starting).

Finish: Wisconsin/Mississippi Confluence, 8:11am, July 2nd, 2023.

Support Captain: Amanda White

Boat: Savage River 17.6 Solo Canoe

Paddle: Double blade

GPS Equipment: Garmin InReach

Notes: Joe says he has paddled the river about ten times; his first attempt, in 2022 ended due to injury on the 4th day. Another attempt in 2023 was thwarted by a combination of heat and drinking some river water and getting sick. On his successful attempt he was planning to take out at Wyalusing State Park on the Mississippi but the ramp was blocked by a barge and he ended up paddling 5 miles further!