Fastest Known Paddle is a hobby project started by Scott Miller of Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. He is Co-Race Director of the Minnesota Paddling Opener on the Mississippi River and current FKP holder for the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers. In 2018 he he came across the videos of some people making a Mississippi River FKP attempt and he was entranced; he hopes to pass on some of that inspiration via this site.

Thank you to those that helped put this FKP project together:

Scott Duffus, Minnesota River FKP holder.

Andy Nevitt, Wisconsin River FKP holder.

Judson Steinback, Mississippi River FKP holder.

Kyle Parker, Wisconsin River FKP holder.

Todd Foster, Sauk River FKP holder.

Dr. Joseph Spennetta, Wisconsin River FKP holder and first donor to the FKP project—thank you!

And thank you to the state advisers who help vet routes and attempts.