After your FKP attempt send us this information. Some fields are required, some are not. Give us as much info as you can. Name * First Name Last Name Which Category were you in? Solo Men Solo Female Solo Non-Binary SUP Solo Male SUP Solo Female SUP Solo Non-Binary Tandem Men Tandem Women Tandem Mixed Team 3+ Para Athletes 2nd person's name First Name Last Name Name of FKP Route you completed * Time you started * Make sure this time is in the time zone you were in; this may differ from what your GPS device or app recorded if it was set up for a different time zone Hour Minute Second AM PM Date you started * MM DD YYYY Date you ended * MM DD YYYY Time you ended * Make sure this time is in the time zone you were in; this may differ from what your GPS device or app recorded if it was set up for a different time zone Hour Minute Second AM PM Total Elapsed Time * list in days, hours and minutes for example 2D 3H 47M Time Zone * Choose one of the following Eastern Central Mountain Pacific Other Were you in multiple time zones? * No Yes Submit a trip report here and/or send us an email * Include anything unexpected and any unusual challenges like unexpected portages, rapids, etc. Include general water level information. If your GPX track shows different times than the actual times you were doing your attempt because it was recording in a different time zone please explain. Supported or unsupported? * Supported Unsupported What is the make and model of boat you used? * GPS Tracking * What devices/apps did you use for tracking? Include any links to live tracking documentation Donation * Donations are not required but a donation in any amount will help us to keep offering this as a free service I will go to the donation part of the website and make a donation I can't afford to make a donation at this time Thank you!