Lake michigan crossing FKP Details

Lake Michigan crossing Overall Fastest Known Paddle: 11H, 22M

(also 1st Tandem Male FKP)

Mike Shnitzka, age 47, & Dan Hoffmann (in his 20’s)

Oct. 4, 2010

51 miles

Supported with support boat (required)

Start: Rawley Point Lighthouse, Two Rivers, WI (near Manitowoc, WI. 9am on Oct. 4th.

Finish: Big Sable Point Lighthouse, Ludington, MI. 8:22pm.

Support crew members: John Udvare

Boat: Wenonah Itasca

Notes: “Escaping the Velvet Rut” a book by Michael Schnitzka that includes a chapter about his and Dan’s Lake Michigan FKP attempt. Mike studied weather patterns for months and waited for the perfect high pressure system to have calm conditions. Their first attempt, in August, ended early when the winds picked up.