Fastest Known paddle

Welcome to Fastest Known Paddle (FKP)

Making an FKP attempt is a wonderful adventure. Escape to the beautiful world of the river and get swept up in the excitement of the challenge!

Current number of FKP routes: 12 (in 7 states/provinces)

Current number of Fastest Runs logged: 17 (in a variety of categories)

Our mission is to inspire people to get out on the water by tracking the fastest known paddle (FKP) times for various routes. We hope you will try and set an FKP, try a new paddling route and/or enjoy reading about these amazing athletes and waterways.

We’re launching this project with some initial rules and categories, but we anticipate refining them as we grow.

You can peruse our existing database of FKP’s by clicking on “FKP’s BY STATE/PROVINCE” at the top of this site. If you’d like to set an FKP yourself on a new route, send us your route proposal by following these instructions, and if you’d like to attempt to set an FKP on one of our existing routes, follow these instructions.

If you're interested in joining our volunteer network to help set guidelines, evaluate routes, and assess attempts, or have any questions or suggestions,please email us. Follow us on Facebook to get more info on the latest FKP attempts.